Benefits of Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) tools are programs, software, and applications that are designed to help locate, retrieve, analyze, and document data. More simply, business intelligence tools are designed to make the flow of data manageable, allowing organizations large and small, the ability to turn unstructured data into something actionable.

One of the most important reasons why you need to invest in an effective BI system is because such a system can improve efficiency within your organization and, as a result, increase productivity. You can use business intelligence to share information across different departments in your organization. This will enable you to save time on reporting processes and analytics. This ease in information sharing is likely to reduce duplication of roles/duties within the organization and improve the accuracy and usefulness of the data generated by different departments. Furthermore, information sharing also saves time and improves productivity.

There are two different types of display boards that appear to be similar, but would actually be used for different uses.

  • Business Intelligence Dashboard– This displays the information that is currently in the works of the company. Everything displayed here will be an up to date report on what the company is doing. This is the board that shows the company what departments are succeeding in, and which ones need a little more attention.
  • Performance Scoreboard– Here, the information displayed is in comparison to the company’s overall goals. The company’s current numbers will be aligned with their corresponding goal values, which allows them to dictate if they are on track with their projections.

Business intelligence goes beyond the profit and loss statement and balance sheet to give insights into the true health of an organization. Many BI applications can integrate with your accounting software to find out trends that would otherwise remain hidden from the executives. Business intelligence is not limited to tracking KPIs (key performance indicators), it includes forecasting to avoid bottlenecks and time-critical decisions like purchasing or hiring. By showcasing data from multiple angles BI can highlight problems that would normally be missed out in traditional analysis techniques.
Ndimension Labs is striving for new trend and building an application for some high end customers.
Some of the Dataflow activity diagram.

Social Networking Sites Controlling Your Intelligence

Humans have a fundamental need to belong and a fundamental desire for social status. As a result, our brains treat information about ourselves as a reward. Social Networking Sites Controlling Your Intelligence. When you check Facebook you can’t predict if someone will have left you self-relevant information or not. Social network sites are slot machines that pay out the gold of self-relevant information. This is why billions of people pull their levers. So, can they be addictive?

“When teens learn that their own pictures have supposedly received a lot of likes, they show significantly greater activation in parts of the brain’s reward circuitry,” says lead author Lauren Sherman. “This is the same group of regions responding when we see pictures of a person we love or when we win money.”
The teenagers were shown more than 140 images where ‘likes’ were believed to by their peers but were in fact assigned by the research team.

Scans revealed that the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain’s reward circuitry, was especially active when teens saw a large number of likes on their own photos, which could inspire them to use social media more often.

Adolescence is a period that is very important for social learning, which could explain why teens are often more tuned in to what’s going on in their respective cultures. With the rise of social media, Sherman thinks we may even be learning to read likes and shares instead of facial expressions.
“Before, if you were having a face to face interaction everything is qualitative. You use someone’s gestures or facial expressions, that sort of thing, to see how effective your message is,” she says.
“Now if you go online, one of the ways that you gauge the effectiveness of your message is in the number of likes, favorites or retweets, and this is something that’s really different and unique about online interaction.”

Blockchain in Logistics Supply Chain

BLOCKCHAIN Improving Transparency and Traceability in Supply Chains

Many projects are underway using Blockchain technology to improve supply chain transparency and monitor prove-nance. These initiatives amass data about how goods are made, where they come from, and how they are managed; this information is stored in the blockchain-based system. This means that the data becomes permanent and easily shared, giving supply chain players more comprehensive track-and-trace capabilities than ever before. Companies can use this information to provide proof of legitimacy for products in pharmaceutical shipments, for example, and proof of authenticity for luxury goods. These initiatives also deliver consumer benefits – people can find out more about the products they are buying, for example, whether a product has been ethically sourced, is an original item, and has been preserved in the correct conditions.

Achieving excellence in logistics involves working collabo-ratively with others to optimize the flow of physical goods as well as the complex flow of information and financial transactions.

But today there is a significant amount of trapped value in logistics, largely stemming from the fragmented and competitive nature of the logistics industry. For example, in the US alone, it is estimated that there are over 500,000 individual trucking companies.8 With such a huge number of stakeholders involved in the supply chain, this often creates low transparency, unstandardized processes, data silos and diverse levels of technology adoption.

Many parts of the logistics value chain are also bound to manual processes mandated by regulatory authorities. For example, companies must oftentimes rely on manual data entry and paper-based documentation to adhere to customs processes. All this makes it difficult to track the provenance of goods and the status of shipments as they move along the supply chain, causing friction in global trade. Blockchain can potentially help to overcome these frictions in logistics and realize substantial gains in logistics process efficiency. This technology can also enable data transparency and access among relevant supply chain stakeholders, creating a single source of truth. In addition, the trust that is required between stakeholders to share information is enhanced by the intrinsic security mecha-nisms of blockchain technology.

Furthermore, blockchain can achieve cost savings by pow-ering leaner, more automated, and error-free processes. As well as adding visibility and predictability to logistics operations, it can accelerate the physical flow of goods. Provenance tracking of goods can enable responsible and sustainable supply chains at scale and help to tackle prod-uct counterfeiting. Additionally, blockchain-based solu-tions offer potential for new logistics services and more innovative business models. Some of the most prominent use cases for blockchain in the areas of global trade logistics, supply chain transparency and traceability, and commercial processes in logistics (see figure 15 on next page). The final part of this chapter outlines the key success factors for industry adoption of the technology.

Digital Revolution and Global Warming

Digital innovations will continue to change society and the economy, half the world’s population is now connected to the internet. Digital technologies can make energy and resource use more efficient. The optimal amount of water each crop needs and by using a smart irrigation system accordingly, farming can become infinitely more efficient. Digital systems can assess the prime use of vehicles too. Instead of one person owning one car which is only used for an hour each day and then sits parked for the rest of the day, several people can share one electric car, reducing the number of vehicles needed overall.

Environmental Policies in the Digital Age

The Internet is a game-changing technology for environmental policies. Environmental policymakers so far have entered this fast-paced world of disciplinary collisions and shifting technological landscapes with some heavy handicaps. Among the growing literature on Internet policies (NCGEC 1997, Litan and Niskanen 1998, Simon 2000), few have discussed the environmental aspects of the Internet. In addition to the aforementioned daunting complexities and uncertainties, we must realize that optimizing the environmental performance of an economy driven by information and knowledge creation is different from regulating one based largely on the processing of material. Many of our environmental policy tools are simply too blunt and reactive to steer technological and social innovation in an information economy in which traditional notions of borders, distance, jurisdiction, and time have been altered in very fundamental ways.
Environmental policies have so far worked well by focusing on manufacturing rather than services; on technology and regulation rather than information and knowledge; on the details of the law rather than the
dynamics of the system.


Exponential technologies are those whose output per size or dollar is consistently accelerating. The classic example is the silicon chip – since the mid-1960s, the power of computer chips has doubled every 18-24 months while the price has halved (following Moore´s Law, which inspired the Carbon Law). 5G is the next exponential technology. With data speeds 10 to 100 times faster than 4G, it represents a step-change in mobile technology. But the benefits of 5G go far beyond speed. Its capabilities include super low latency, better reliability, tighter security and lower energy consumption.

Ecommerce’s Role In The Medical & Health Care Sector

Some of the earliest forms of medicine and medical practices were the use of natural resources like
plants and animal parts. During the early 20th century, the development of medicine changed drastically.
What was a possible cause for this major shift in thinking was the rejection of the traditional way of thinking
and approach to science? In spite of strong resistance from some, many open-minded individuals led the way
in improving or rejecting the old theories of the past.

E-commerce is the process of buying and selling, exchanging products, services, and information via computer networks. Currently, the use of e-commerce in health care is very general. The most common uses are keeping electronic medical records, the transmission of information and telemedicine.Making medicine accessible online not only benefits doctors and their patients, it could also improve relationships between hospitals, clinics, suppliers and customers.

E-commerce Strategies

Because of the rapid advancement in technology, the expectations of consumers for quality health care are high. Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers have to deal with consumer expectation whilst doing it in the most cost-efficient way. The company’s electronic health records system now handles one million doctor visits every day or about 22 percent of the U.S. total.

New Technologies for Healthcare

E-Commerce IT expenditures by the healthcare industry, typically averaging under 2 percent of revenue, have trailed other industries such as banking (6 percent) and transportation (14 percent), among others.3 Over the years, this negligence has resulted in an industry characterized by poor communication infrastructure, as well as ineffective and inefficient decision models. The next section provides a brief introduction to technologies that hold the promise of bolstering the IT status of the healthcare industry in both these areas within the B2B and B2C frameworks.

Healthcare eCommerce Websites Generate Positive Results

Today 10 to 15 percent of the revenues in the healthcare supplier sector come from eCommerce websites. A lot of suppliers in the space, after they do the return on investment analysis of moving to B2B eCommerce processes, see a range of 25 to 30 percent. Some of the more mature players are beginning to see as much as 60 to 65 percent of their business through Web orders.

Digital Commerce for Better Patient Care

Whether selling or purchasing medical supplies, all parties agree that digital transformation in the healthcare supply chain management space helps everyone’s ultimate end customer: The Patient.

The explosive growth in the last few years has already hurled the biggest firms among these ventures past the billion-dollar territory. Indian eCommerce is projected to explode from $10 billion to $43 billion in the next five years.

Ndimension Labs build a seamless E-Commerce Application for Health Care by making an extensive research.